We’re back with Part 2 of our deep dive into the power of language. Dr. Allison House and Shawn Zajas have an amazing conversation lined up for you, filled with insights that will transform the way you think about the words you use every day. Here are three key takeaways from this episode that you won’t want to miss. 

1. The Impact of “Forbidden Words” 

Dr. Allison House shares a fascinating insight about the “forbidden words” in her household growing up. For example, the word “skinny” was off-limits. This made us think about how the language we’re exposed to as kids can shape our beliefs and perceptions. Have you ever thought about the words you grew up with? Recognizing these can help us break free from limiting beliefs and adopt a more positive vocabulary. 

Key Quote: “We had a lot of words growing up in my household and in my childhood household that you wouldn’t utter. The one that I didn’t have in my house was skinny. You weren’t allowed to say that somebody was skinny or thin because that wasn’t, it shouldn’t be a good thing.” – Dr. Allison House 

2. Using Positive Language to Inspire and Uplift 

Shawn Zayas reminds us how important it is to use positive language to create an uplifting environment. Whether it’s at work or home, the words we choose can have a huge impact on those around us. Imagine how much more motivated and appreciated your team will feel with positive reinforcement! This is especially crucial for those of us in the dental profession who want to foster a supportive and productive practice culture. 

Key Quote: “They showed you how to be strong and yet honest and real and transparent and authentic. And yet as you model it, you give permission to other people to do the same thing.” – Shawn Zayas 

3. Shaping Reality with Your Words 

This episode also dives into how our self-talk shapes our reality. By being mindful of the language, we use to describe ourselves, we can transform our mindset and ditch those limiting beliefs. It’s all about replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, leading to a more empowered and fulfilling life. 

Key Quote: “What you allow in your language is also possibly what you allow in your life.” – Shawn Zajas 

Final Thoughts 

The words we choose have a massive impact on every part of our lives, from how we see ourselves to how we interact with others. By being mindful of our language and choosing words that empower us, we can transform our reality and reach new heights of success and fulfillment. 

Listen to the Full Episode 

Ready to hear more about the power of language? Check out the full episode of “Beyond Words: The Language of Success – Part 2” on YouTube, iTunes, or Spotify. Dr. Allison House and Shawn Zajas share more personal stories, insightful reflections, and practical advice on harnessing the power of words.  

Stay Connected with us on IG @zanadental 

Here’s to transforming your life—one word at a time. 🌟